Monday, April 28, 2008


Nexos is a Spanish magazine published by American Airways. They asked me to do an illustration for an article about words that get lost in translation from Portuguese to Spanish. The art director and I both liked the idea of people looking for something lost in the woods so conceptually this was an easy one to develop. I wanted the image to work more as a spot than a full illustration and I'm really happy with how it ended up.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Don Quixote

Miami New Times was doing a story about a street musician who travels around playing his piano in random parts of the city for everyone to enjoy. He considers himself a modern day Don Quixote and that was the theme we decided to take for this illustration. Horses are tough to draw as anyone who has ever tried to draw one can tell you, so I ended up actually going to the library this time for reference which I need to be doing more often than just using the internet. If you don't know, the library is an ancient form of Google that is still used even today mostly by children learning how to use it and homeless people. Anyhoo, I think this one turned out and I had some fun working on it.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I found out yesterday that this illustration which was done for The Pitch Weekly will be published in Spectrum 15: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art. I've always been a big fan of this annual and it is an honor to be involved with it. I used to flip through this book when I was just a kid so it has been with me for quite some time.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hi Doc

A german children's health magazine called "Hi Doc" contacted me a week ago to do a cover and spread illustration for a story about a boy with such large ears he can hear everything in the world. The cover was a simple design and was finished pretty quickly. The spread however . . .

. . . took a little bit more time. I wanted to fit in as many things as I could to create a sense of sound and music in nature and the world around him. It was a lot of fun to make and I always love the chance to sneak my dog into my illustrations.