The Santa Fe Reporter asked me to design a cover for their next issue for a story about John Allen, the creator of the Biosphere 2 project. He is a true visionary and the concept above came about pretty fast. At first I wasn't sure about it. It is different from how I compose most of my pieces and I was worried that his likeness wouldn't come across with half of his face cut off like that. As I was refining the sketch I realized that it wasn't his likeness that was important. His ideas are what define him and I would wager that very few people actually know what this man looks like.

Here is the final and I have to say that I'm pretty proud of it. I like how quickly it reads and I'm also happy with how the landscape in the dome turned out. If there was anything I was nervous about turning out well it was that. I am also pleased as punch with the play on words. The man really does have a biodome.