Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Santa Fe Reporter

The Santa Fe Reporter asked me to design a cover for their next issue for a story about John Allen, the creator of the Biosphere 2 project. He is a true visionary and the concept above came about pretty fast. At first I wasn't sure about it. It is different from how I compose most of my pieces and I was worried that his likeness wouldn't come across with half of his face cut off like that. As I was refining the sketch I realized that it wasn't his likeness that was important. His ideas are what define him and I would wager that very few people actually know what this man looks like.

Here is the final and I have to say that I'm pretty proud of it. I like how quickly it reads and I'm also happy with how the landscape in the dome turned out. If there was anything I was nervous about turning out well it was that. I am also pleased as punch with the play on words. The man really does have a biodome.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nevada For Sale

This was another illustration for Las Vegas Weekly and this time a portrait of Nevada's governor was involved. I don't get the opportunity to do portraits very often, but I love doing them. Here was the rough. I actually had a better sketch before this one, however Photoshop shut down unexpectedly before I was able to save it. I invented some new curse words that morning. This one was an attempt to capture the qualities I liked in the first sketch, but anyone whose ever done this line of work will tell you that rarely happens.

Here is the final. It's usually not until this stage that I really start to focus on capturing the likeness of the person being portrayed. I really nailed him though. Too bad people outside of Nevada probably don't know what he looks like.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Las Vegas Weekly

Las Vegas Weekly contacted me about doing this illustration a day before I was to leave for Miami. I really wanted to do it and decided to punch it into overdrive to get it done. I completed this sketch in about an hour and had it approved so I could move onto final. Keep in mind that the concept was pretty much given to me. Having to work out an idea from scratch probably would have tacked on a couple more hours.

Here is how the final turned out. I'm most proud of the background. I've always struggled with trying to keep backgrounds simple without looking to unfinished. This one strikes a nice balance.

The art director was kind enough to send me a pdf of the final layout.