Just wrappeed up this little bad boy for the Las Vegas Weekly before I absconded to a beach in Connecticut for a week. I guess Gallagher and Carrot Top have always been bitter rivals and the LVW managed to get them both in a room together to bury the hatchet. This one was a blast to work on. Bright colors and crazy looking people.

Another fun piece i did for first time clients "The Capitol". I've been getting a lot more jobs where I'm required to draw likenesses and that makes me very happy. I enjoy the challenge and hope to do more of them soon.

This one was for the Seattle Metropolitan Magazine, also first time clients, where I had the pleasure to work with the art director Benjamin Purvis. I remember reading an interview with him at Illustration Mundo awhile back and have always wanted to work with him ever since. This was a small illustration about how doctors and people in the medical field might take advantage of a universal healthcare system for their own personal gain. I've really been pushing the old cartoon cell look of late.
Also, the cover design I did for the new Modest Mouse Black Vinyl limited edition EP can be seen fully animated at their website. I need to figure out how I can photograph the actual album so everyone can see it, but if you can't wait you can always visit your local music shop and pick one up.