This illustration was done for the Pitch Weekly for their Night & Day section. This was one of those experiences where everything seemed to line up. The sketch process was quick and painless, the final drawing came out without a hitch, and the time spent on the computer was brief. The only challenge I had was figuring out how to approach the feathers. I ended up painting them on a separate piece of bristol and combining the two drawings in photoshop.
The work is as solid as ever..I was just on your web sight looking at your plein air body of work..amazing and solid. Glad I checked in, you continue to inspire.
Vector Clipart
ISO 22000 2005
The work is as solid as ever..I was just on your web sight looking at your plein air body of work..amazing and solid. Glad I checked in, you continue to inspire. Vector Clipart ISO 22000 2005
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