Business Week was writing a story about college students being lured into signing up for credit cards by college alumni associations. These Alumni groups later receive a profit cut from the whatever the big credit card companies make off the student. So these universities are basically selling their students into debt. This was the rough sketch I sent along for approval. They liked it and told me to move along to final.

Here is the final drawing in all of its glory. One thing the art directors realized after I had painted on it for awhile was that the image was strangely cropped on the right side. They asked if I could extend it to include the rest of the man in the corner and also the entirety of the pit of debt. I agreed that the image would greatly be improved with the change and went to work on a pretty complex patch.

This is how the final turned out. I'm pretty happy with it. I really like the guys in the foreground. I think the fine folks over at Business Week were happy as well.
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