This was a full two page spread for the latest issue of Business Week. The story was about companies who gather information on their employees by mining data from their computers, telephones and anything else that might leave a trail. This then gives the company better means at using their employees in the most efficient way. I also did several spot illustrations that ran along the top of the story.

Here is an example of my favorite spot I did for them. All of the spots were connected to each other through the numbered ticker tape. This was a huge project and was a lot of fun to work on. I have decided to never draw a tiny business man for the rest of my career. I must of drawn over a hundred of these suckers by the end of it all.
Man, do you remember just a couple years back when you didn't feel confident in your work? You're an amazing talent, man. I think you've clearly moved beyond the James Jean thing and come into your own. I can't wait to see you do more...and more...and more!
I have never had this much trouble giving away a miniature before :) If either of you ever want him he'll be collecting dust on my shelf or if you can recommend anyone else who would like him let me know.
I will do a little step by step with a couple of 15mm figs like I did the 10mm in a future blog. Pretty much Kevin Dallimore's technique though.
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Excellent work on the general and his horse! And on the other minis as well! Even your 54 mm (I mean 28mm!) minis look great. ;-)
I find dappled horses tricky to paint, too. Reference materials can help a lot.
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Nice write up, you mentioned the game played with the guys who did a Napoleonc set of rules. I have those rules and quite like them, could you please give a run down on how this set played.
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