Well I'll be the first to admit that I've been a little neglectful of this blog, but here we go with tons of new stuff. This one was done for Barnhart USA for the Denver School District. They wanted a comic book villain vibe and I gave it my best shot.
This is my first job for Globe and Mail. The story was about how airport dining has always been a drag and how certain restaurants are attempting to change all of that by creating more fine dining experience in airports.
This is an illustration that I did awhile back for Alternative Press that I somehow had forgotten about. Rediscovered it the other day and thought I would show it to you all. The story was a top ten of the worst things that can happen on a band tour.
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Competitive swimming was slow to develop in Western Australia and O'Halloran's state debut came in 1952, only the second time the Western Australian Championships had been held. He won the junior 110 yd freestyle and butterfly and the 220 yd freestyle and was second in the open 110 yd freestyle, in a muddy pool on the Swan River in the Perth suburb of Crawley. The arena was such that the bottom could not be seen and jellyfish lurked in the area,[3] sometimes climbing onto the swimmers' bodies. When O'Halloran returned to his home, he often trained in a muddy waterhole.
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Over the next five years, Lucy gave birth to three sons: Birchard Austin (1853), Webb Cook (1856), and Rutherford Platt (1858).[24] Lucy, a Methodist, teetotaler, and abolitionist, influenced her husband's views on those issues, although he never formally joined her church.[28]
Hayes had begun his law practice dealing primarily with commercial cases but won greater prominence in Cincinnati as a criminal defense attorney,[29] defending several people accused of murder.
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Hayes and his brigade moved to the Shenandoah Valley for the Valley Campaigns of 1864. Crook's corps was attached to Major General David Hunter's Army of the Shenandoah and soon back in contact with Confederate forces, capturing Lexington, Virginia on June 11.[54] They continued south toward Lynchburg, tearing up railroad track as they advanced.[54] Hunter believed the troops at Lynchburg were too powerful, however, and Hayes and his brigade returned to West Virginia.
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Early's most important service was that summer and fall, in the Valley Campaigns of 1864, when he commanded the Confederacy's last invasion of the North. As Confederate territory was rapidly being captured by the Union armies of Grant and Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman, Lee sent Early's corps to sweep Union forces from the Shenandoah Valley and to menace Washington, D.C., hoping to compel Grant to dilute his forces against Lee around Richmond and Petersburg, Virginia.
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Thanks for sharing this with us. It's a real treat to see such history kept alive. My wife and I went over to St. Charles, MO this last weekend to see the Lewis and Clark celebration. You had much better weather!
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