This is my first illustration for Break Away magazine. Break Away is a christian youth magazine and this story was about a group of youth missionaries that were held up at gun point by the most wanted thief in Africa. He and his cronies all wore African tribal masks to hide their identity which immediately made this image a fun one to work on. I was a little nervous that this image might be offensive when taken out of context.

Here is a sketchbook page where you can see some of my original concepts. The most obvious change from the original sketch is the machine gun. The art director also asked that the African Mask be made to look less menacing. I still kind of like the gun sketch better. I really wanted to paint a machine gun.
Mr JAlex...wow man, awesome stuff....i was talking to a friend of mine and he was talking about these digital paintings on youtube, i told him, i know this awesome artist who does the same kinda of stuff but better, so i googled your name, and foung your website! Awesome bro!
After reading I do not think that they actually fought in a battle just garrison duty so I was thinking maybe another regiment of IR-Kurprinz to flesh out the whole brigade or another Curiassier regiment or both. One final thought was that I would redo the flags in Cavenderian and add a Cavenderian Regiment or Squadron.
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After reading I do not think that they actually fought in a battle just garrison duty so I was thinking maybe another regiment of IR-Kurprinz to flesh out the whole brigade or another Curiassier regiment or both. One final thought was that I would redo the flags in Cavenderian and add a Cavenderian Regiment or Squadron.
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I have never had this much trouble giving away a miniature before :) If either of you ever want him he'll be collecting dust on my shelf or if you can recommend anyone else who would like him let me know.
I will do a little step by step with a couple of 15mm figs like I did the 10mm in a future blog. Pretty much Kevin Dallimore's technique though.
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I am glad oyu enjoyed yourself at the convention. I am sorry your Bavarians was handled so roughly their first time on a table. However as a side joke of the story when the unit was rode down they where placed by the registration table. There was at least ten people that asked if they where for sale after that. The Bavarians really look nice.
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I have never had this much trouble giving away a miniature before :) If either of you ever want him he'll be collecting dust on my shelf or if you can recommend anyone else who would like him let me know.
I will do a little step by step with a couple of 15mm figs like I did the 10mm in a future blog. Pretty much Kevin Dallimore's technique though.
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After reading I do not think that they actually fought in a battle just garrison duty so I was thinking maybe another regiment of IR-Kurprinz to flesh out the whole brigade or another Curiassier regiment or both. One final thought was that I would redo the flags in Cavenderian and add a Cavenderian Regiment or Squadron.
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Thanks for the report - it's good to see conventions one has no hope of ever seeing in the flesh! Some very good modelling there too - I especially like the Normandy landing terrain.
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I have never had this much trouble giving away a miniature before :) If either of you ever want him he'll be collecting dust on my shelf or if you can recommend anyone else who would like him let me know.
I will do a little step by step with a couple of 15mm figs like I did the 10mm in a future blog. Pretty much Kevin Dallimore's technique though.
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A tutorial on how you paint dapple grays would be great!
The Foundry Painting book has a brief description of one way to do it, which I try to follow (not sure how well, though! lol). I'm sure there are other tutorials somewhere, but another one by someone who does a good job and likes to do it might prove useful and instructive.
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Here is a sketchbook page where you can see some of my original concepts. The most obvious change from the original sketch is the machine gun. The art director also asked that the African Mask be made to look less menacing. I still kind of like the gun sketch better. I really wanted to paint a machine gun.
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Of course, I support Koenig Krieg and BAR for SYW battles ... but that's me :)
Sounds like an audacious plan you've got! I can barely see the 15's now, so I decided not to shrink to 10's though they would be really handy for me in my condition!
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I can say your painting is far from crap if these are the results you produce! I'd be more than happy with that standard of painting. Thanks also for the tip of using a dark green-gray as a highlight for black. I will try it. I find a sand/buff color useful for red highlights.
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