Mountain Bike magazine asked me to do a spot for their opinion section. This one was about how environmental organizations are making it more and more difficult for bikers to experience certain trails since a lot of forests have been turned into nature sanctuaries thus barring human beings from ever stepping foot in them. The writer of the piece believes that these preserves should be opened up for recreational purposes. Here are two sketches that I presented to them. I really liked the one with the hands, but they chose the chain sketch. Looking at it now it probably does read a little faster. I'm always looking for opportunities to draw hands.
Here is how the final turned out. The image was going to print pretty small so I tried to make the final design as simple and clear as possible. I also used a pretty stark contrast between the warm and cool colors to create depth. I'm pretty happy with how the biker turned out.
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Here is how the final turned out. The image was going to print pretty small so I tried to make the final design as simple and clear as possible. I also used a pretty stark contrast between the warm and cool colors to create depth. I'm pretty happy with how the biker turned out.
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Thanks for the report - it's good to see conventions one has no hope of ever seeing in the flesh! Some very good modelling there too - I especially like the Normandy landing terrain.
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Thanks for the report - it's good to see conventions one has no hope of ever seeing in the flesh! Some very good modelling there too - I especially like the Normandy landing terrain.
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Ah, I can see now that it was me who got things wrong. Sorry.
The figure is absolutely brilliant by the way, and certainly better than anything I could ever produce. If I employed him on my table he'd show up all my pitiable efforts and no mistake. To be honest the Colonial figures I'm considering are Peter Pig, but painted up for a long running (imaginary) NW Frontier game set somewhere between say, 1890 & 1900 rather than a (Sudan) African campaign. The campaign shown on my blog is really just a side show to get me "into" the 19th C. (like yourself I have no experience in the period).
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After reading I do not think that they actually fought in a battle just garrison duty so I was thinking maybe another regiment of IR-Kurprinz to flesh out the whole brigade or another Curiassier regiment or both. One final thought was that I would redo the flags in Cavenderian and add a Cavenderian Regiment or Squadron.
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Ah, I can see now that it was me who got things wrong. Sorry.
The figure is absolutely brilliant by the way, and certainly better than anything I could ever produce. If I employed him on my table he'd show up all my pitiable efforts and no mistake. To be honest the Colonial figures I'm considering are Peter Pig, but painted up for a long running (imaginary) NW Frontier game set somewhere between say, 1890 & 1900 rather than a (Sudan) African campaign. The campaign shown on my blog is really just a side show to get me "into" the 19th C. (like yourself I have no experience in the period).
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Thanks for the report - it's good to see conventions one has no hope of ever seeing in the flesh! Some very good modelling there too - I especially like the Normandy landing terrain.
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Thanks for sharing this with us. It's a real treat to see such history kept alive. My wife and I went over to St. Charles, MO this last weekend to see the Lewis and Clark celebration. You had much better weather!
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After reading I do not think that they actually fought in a battle just garrison duty so I was thinking maybe another regiment of IR-Kurprinz to flesh out the whole brigade or another Curiassier regiment or both. One final thought was that I would redo the flags in Cavenderian and add a Cavenderian Regiment or Squadron.
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A delightful effect. I especially like the advancing infantry, they have a purposeful look to them. I envy your ability to paint dapple grays. My own efforts aren't bad but I find them hard to do.
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Here is how the final turned out. The image was going to print pretty small so I tried to make the final design as simple and clear as possible. I also used a pretty stark contrast between the warm and cool colors to create depth. I'm pretty happy with how the biker turned out.
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Here is how the final turned out. The image was going to print pretty small so I tried to make the final design as simple and clear as possible. I also used a pretty stark contrast between the warm and cool colors to create depth. I'm pretty happy with how the biker turned out.
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It sounds like it would make for an interesting mini-campaign. I'm looking forward to your report and pics. Good luck with the English Civil War figures. It's a period I wouldn't mind getting into myself, having fought several games at my old club using Armati rules. I'm also horribly tempted by Peter Pig's 15mm Sudan figures, but that's another story... ;)
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A very nice looking cavalry regiment. I hope that you can make it to the SYWA convention. I'm sure that you will have better luck in the game. I think that "aisle between the tables" caught you off guard. I watched you play in other games and I can say that you are a good wargamer. so chalk it up to some bad luck, nothing more than that.
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Like everybody I am running out time not out of ideas. It is so wonderful to paint outside, although it is sometimes very exhausting to capture the fleeting moment. Thanks!
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